the Love of my life
today at last it was the Day the day I met Her, the night I held her hand not a stranger She was, to me yet I met Her, this very day She who means, the world, oh She whose face I’ll never, get to see I entwined her fingers, with mine She did the…
Baby fever
Once upon a time in a high school, two people fell in love. Pregnancy came along soon after. The lovebirds were barely adults and neither was ready to welcome a child, but society forbade any choice in the matter, so a daughter was born nine months later. Her parents did their best to manage everything…
I hope they’re okay
There’s a person sitting next to me, stressed out. I know nothing about their problem, but I can see it—nothing but it. A need burns inside me, consuming my thoughts. It’s an indescribable yet irresistible urge. I feel drawn to them, as if I must hug them, tell them everything will be alright, and make…
This number—this fucking phone number. Morning or evening, getting up or going to bed, it’s always there. It stares at me, taunts me, mocks me every day from the post-it on the arm of my bedside lamp. Holding there by habit, yellowed with the years, it’s only present to remind me of a failure—my failure.…
Vivons heureux
Inside a closet, where everything is dark, a myriad of questions race through Sam’s mind. Why am I here? Am I hiding? Being hidden? From whom? From what? Why? It’s so narrow, so cold in here. I can’t breathe—I must get out. Sam moves forward; one push and the door opens. The sun is warm.…
My Savior
Mom and Dad are fighting. Again… And for nothing! The school bus was canceled because of snow and here they go, yelling as if their life depended on it. Torn between anger and apathy, I get up, get dressed, grab my keys and my brother, and head out to the silence. “Chloe, why are they…